Monday, September 15, 2008

Charles Anastase, Nightmares and Fakes

London Fashion Week! → I love London Fashion Week, it's always quirky, colourful and sort of manic. I think my favourite so far (alright, it's only day 1!) is Charles Anastase who has made me want to take down my sheer curtains and create some sort of frothy, foamy petticoat and ruffled collar. There's something so accessible about this collection, basics underneath sheer blouses, leather jackets and blazers for the cooler climates paired with pale skinny jeans and the aforementioned petticoats. The only thing I'm not sure of is the extremely high platforms, most girls I know have enough trouble in normal heels!

Women Have The Scariest Nightmares → And our dreams are more emotional, according to this study, preparing us for possible distressing events in the future. Does that mean that there is a possibily my zombie dreams will come true?!
20 Memorable Fake Photos → Including a shark attacking a helicopter (?), the Cottingley Fairies (one of the earliest 'fake photos') and George Bush reading from an upside down children's book.

And finally, I'm very much looking forward to October 1, Pushing Daisies returns and Sonia Rykiel shows at Paris Fashion Week. Magnificant!

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